Mission to Uganda!
GO Overflow Ministries
Mission to Uganda!
Fundraising Page Image

I am excited to share with you that I will be traveling to Uganda on a mission trip this summer! God has made His call evident to me, and I am stepping out in faith to be faithful to that call.

I am traveling June 26-July 14 with GO Overflow Ministries, as we partner with churches and organizations in and around Kampala and Kabale to love, serve and share the truth of Jesus. Our team will be sharing the gospel door to door, working with children in schools (including those in the GO Overflow sponsorship program), assisting at our partner medical/pregnancy clinic, feeding homeless youth in the Kampala slums, praying with families for healing, and working at the newly-established “Hummingbird House”, a transitional home for girls living as orphans and in prostitution. These are just a few of the exciting opportunities we will have to share and show the love of Christ. As you can imagine, I am thrilled to play even a small role in this mission. We see this as an international expression of our call to be bridge builders and ministers of reconciliation to Christ.

I would like to invite my friends and family to participate in our work. First and most importantly, through prayer support. Secondly, please consider helping me reach my financial goal for the trip by donating to GO Overflow Ministries. The total expenses for the ten-day mission are $5,000. Your gift of any amount is tax-deductible and will help cover my direct costs, medical supplies, medications, school supplies, evangelism materials, and Bibles.

Thank you for considering joining our GO Team as a local member. Prior to the team’s departure, I will share specific prayer requests for the mission. When we return, I will share photos and details of GOD’s MIRACLES that will be accomplished on our trip. I can’t wait to GO and serve!     

One group is motivated by pure love, knowing that I am here defending the Message, wanting to help.”  Philippians 1:16



ABOUT Uganda July Trip 2018