Uganda Mission Trip
GO Overflow Ministries
Uganda Mission Trip

I am excited to share with you that God has opened a door for me to GO on a mission trip to Uganda!

I will be working with a team of doctors and nurses to assist in medical care, malaria treatment, and HIV testing.  Also, I will be working with children in schools, feeding the homeless in the slums, and working with ladies at a brand-new medical clinic. These are just a few of the exciting opportunities that I will have to share and show the love of Christ to desperate people.

I would like to invite you to participate in this work. First, I need your prayers. Secondly, please consider helping me to reach my financial goal by donating through GO Overflow Ministries. My total expense for the ten-day mission is $5,000. Your gift of any amount $50, $100, $250 or $1000 will help to cover needed medical supplies and equipment, medications, school supplies, discipleship training materials and Ugandan Bibles.

Upon my return, I will share photos and amazing stories of our work and GOD’S MIRACLES in Uganda! Thank you for joining my team, every dollar you give will change a life. The trip is July 5th -15th and my deposit is due next week by June 15th. I can receive your gift now, so please pray and give! If we don’t go, who will?

Our group is motivated by pure love… wanting to help.” Philippians 1:16                                                                                                                     


 Steve McCool

Steve McCool




ABOUT Uganda July Trip 2018